Trust Compliance Conference Call

Connect with other trust department managers across the country to discuss current compliance issues

Do you want to stay current on your knowledge of compliance issues? Join our compliance conference call to share information with compliance-minded individuals from across the country. Our experienced consultants will facilitate the call, covering current topics in compliance, from the perspective of trust professionals who have recently experienced an examination.  Each call will develop insights from those with recent examination experience, so you have a better understanding of what to expect.


This is a quarterly conference call with trust managers, compliance officers, chief fiduciary officers, bank auditors and trust staff who are interested in what is going on in the regulatory landscape. The participants have the opportunity to hear from and share with their peers recent examination experiences and current compliance topics of interest.

Typical Agenda

  • Introduction by facilitator
  • Examination Update:
    • Who has recently (in last 3 months) been examined? By what regulator?
    • What did the regulators focus on or emphasize in the exam or in their conversations with you?
    • What should we be prepared for when we are examined?
    • What was the attitude of the examiners?
  • Tool Kit Discussion – Topic TBD
  • Open Forum for Questions and Answers


Conference calls will take place on the second Tuesday of the second month of each quarter at 10:00am Central Time Zone.


The cost is $250 per year, which will be invoiced in June of each year. New subscribers will be invoiced a pro-rata amount. However, this is a complimentary service for Pohl Consulting and Training retainer clients & Trustcompare® subscribers.

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